Leadership & Club Contacts
Our next club meeting will be Monday February 10. Social at 7:05pm. Regular Meeting 7:35pm. We meet at NVT Pizza in Newtown. All are welcome.
Club & Business Meetings
Anderson Hills Kiwanis hold periodic club and business meetings each year. The public is welcome and anyone may speak on topics related to club business. Only club members can vote on resolutions. Meetings are generally held at Newtown Village Tavern Pizza and Brew. Social 30 minutes prior to meeting. Call to order at 7:35pm. Check this website for next meeting date. Meetings usually last about 60-75 minutes.
Mailing address: Anderson Hills Kiwanis, 6915 Beechmont Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45230
President Emeritus Mike Wesselman Sr
Kevin O'Brien
Vice President
Gerald Stelma
Treasurer Mike Murphy
Secretary Dan Flynn
Social Chair
Mike Murphy
Key Club Liaison
Chloe Hutchins
Kevin O'Brien
KBA Basketball 7-8 Grade Mike Wesselman
KBA Basketball 9-10 Grade Dan Flynn
KBA Basketball 11-12 Grade